How much does Bocada Cloud cost?

Learn more about Bocada Cloud's subscription-based pricing.

Bocada Cloud pricing is based on a “pay as you go” model determined by how many protected resources and endpoints you monitor using Bocada Cloud. Read the FAQ below to learn more. 

Q: Do you have a free trial to evaluate the product?

A: Yes. All new customers start with a 30-day free trial in which you can monitor and report on as many resources as you choose in order to evaluate the product's features and functionality. After the trial is over, if you are monitoring more than 25 total resources, you will be prompted to enter payment information. Or, you can remove a connection to a backup application to continue using the product to monitor 25 or fewer resources (the free tier). 

Q: What is the free tier?

A: After the free product trial is over, customers can monitor up to 25 resources free of charge. Above 25, each additional monitored resource will incur a charge. Usage is metered daily and billed monthly.

Q: What counts as a resource for charging purposes? 

A: Bocada has a standard definition of Backup Resources. Only resources that are connected to a Backup application that generate a success, a failure or a missed job are counted as resources and endpoints for billing purposes.  

Q: What does not count as a resource for billing purposes? 

A: Resources that are not connected to a Backup Application or policy will not be charged. That includes inventory resources that Bocada has access to through an Azure, AWS or GCP connection or any other inventory source.  

Q: Are all protected resources created equal for charging and billing purposes? 

A: No. While our ‘price per resource’ is constant, we treat servers, VMs, clients, etc. as the primary resource type for charging purposes. Endpoints – typically things like user accounts on M365, a laptop or mobile device – are charged at a ratio of 10 endpoints = 1 Resource. 

Q: What is the price per resource? 

A: Bocada Cloud charges $1 per monitored resource/per month (USD). Charges are accrued daily at a rate of $.0322 per resource/per day. Charges for a resource will not exceed $1.00 for any monthly billing period.

Q: What is the price per endpoint? 

A: Endpoints are charged at 1/10th the cost of a resource, or $0.10 per endpoint/per month (USD). Charges are accrued daily at a rate of $0.0032 per endpoint/per day. 

Q: What is the definition of a monitored resource? 

A: It is a resource that Bocada Cloud can see through the backup application that has had backup activity within the past 31 days. This can be a backup job, copy, archive or restore or any other attempted backup activity action for a given resource. 

Q: Do you charge for a resource only if it is backed up that day? 

A: No. Once Bocada Cloud detects a backup resource, it will continue to monitor it and charge for that daily monitoring as long as the resource has had backup activity in the prior 31 days. As soon as a resource becomes active on a backup application (e.g. is added to a backup policy) it becomes billable.  

Q: What would cause a resource to stop being charged? 

A: Bocada Cloud stops charging for a resource once there is no backup activity detected on it for more than 31 days. Detection of backup activity is done through the connection from Bocada Cloud to a backup application that has active data collections. 

Q: Can I proactively remove a resource from the activity list to stop being charged for subsequent days until it meets the “31 days without backup activity” threshold? 

A: No. Once Bocada Cloud detects a resource, even if it is subsequently removed, it will be monitored and incur a daily charge until backup activity is no longer detected for 31 days. After that point, that resource will no longer be monitored and will not incur a charge. 

Q: Why 31 days? 

A: Bocada’s value is in monitoring backup resources – including both when there are backups and when there are not backups. Our customers equally value knowing the status of resources and endpoints that are backed up daily as those that are backed up monthly. The 31-day policy is to assure resources and endpoints with monthly backup policies are still charged for monitoring purposes. 

Q: When will I be charged for a monthly subscription?

A: When a customer first enters a payment method to pay for a Bocada Cloud subscription, that will become their monthly billing cycle payment date. They will pay for the accumulated daily charges during the past month on that date. For example, if a customer subscribed and entered a payment method on January 15th, they will be charged for their first month's subscription on February 15th. Then, they will then be charged for their subscription on the 15th of every month going forward.