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How do I configure communication between the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent and my Veeam PostgreSQL database?

How to connect Bocada Cloud to the Veeam PostgreSQL database for data collection.

Once you have identified or created a PostgreSQL user, two files must be updated so Bocada Cloud can collect data from the Veeam PostgreSQL database. The following settings are indicative and represent allowing the most privilege, while your IT policies may dictate different access levels.

Update Configuration Files:

Add entries to allow the user created above to access the Veeam database from the server running the Bocada Remote Data Collection Agent.

Notes for updating pg_hba.conf:

TYPE should always be "host"

DATABASE can be either of the following

      • all
      • <VeeamDB_Name> 

USER should be the username created for the user previously created 

ADDRESS should be one of the following

      • samenet   -- If the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent is installed on the same subnet as the Veeam B&R server

      • <IP>/32 -- Where <IP> is the IP address the server where your Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent is installed

METHOD should be md5

Example pg_hba.conf:

Reload pg_hba.conf:

After configuring the, reload the pg_hba.conf file by running the following command:

pg_ctl.exe reload –D <Full_path_to_Veeam_DB_Data_Directory>

 This command will respond with “server signaled” upon a successful reload:

Additional References:

To configure a machine safely you should be familiar with all the parameters and their meanings, using settings that will correctly filter and give access to the correct user from required sources. It is recommended to backup those files before making any changes, and detailed information can be found at www.postgresql.org: