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Can I use my RMM tool to install the data collection agent on multiple machines?

Use the Bocada Cloud PowerShell script in your RMM tool to remotely install the agent faster and easier

The Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent is required to connect Bocada Cloud to on-premise backup applications. To make the agent installation process easier, Bocada has provided a PowerShell script for you to use with your RMM tool to remotely install the agent on multiple devices/machines.  

Below is the PowerShell script, and then individual instructions for 10 different RMM tools follow (Datto, NinjaOne, N-able, Atera, Pulseway, Kaseya, SynchroMSP, Microsoft InTune, ManageEngine EndPoint Central and Citrix Endpoint Management).

Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script 

# Bocada Cloud Agent MSI download URL 

$msiUrl = "https://backup-api.cloud.bocada.com/Bocada_Cloud_Agent_Installer.msi" 

# Generate a random log file name 

$logFileName = "InstallationLog_$(Get-Random -Minimum 10000 -Maximum 99999).log" 

# Define the temp directory 

$tempDir = [System.IO.Path]::GetTempPath() 

# Define the MSI file path 

$msiFilePath = Join-Path $tempDir "Bocada.Cloud.Agent.Installer.msi" 

# Download the MSI 

Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $msiUrl -OutFile $msiFilePath 

# Check if the download was successful 

if (Test-Path $msiFilePath) { 

    # Run the MSI installer with elevated privileges and capture the process information 

    $installProcess = Start-Process -FilePath "msiexec.exe" -ArgumentList "/i `"$msiFilePath`" ALLUSERS=`"1`" /norestart /qn /l*v `"$tempDir\$logFileName`"" -PassThru -Wait 

    # Check the exit code of the installer 

    if ($installProcess.ExitCode -eq 0 -or $installProcess.ExitCode -eq 3010) { 

        Write-Host "Installation completed successfully." 

    } else { 

        Write-Host "Error during MSI installation. See more details in the log file: $tempDir\$logFileName" 


} else { 

    Write-Host "Failed to download the MSI from $msiUrl" 

# Clean up the downloaded MSI file 

Remove-Item -Path $msiFilePath -Force 

Note: Make sure to test the deployment on a small scale or in a controlled environment before deploying to a larger number of machines to ensure compatibility and successful execution. Additionally, refer to the documentation provided by each RMM tool for specific details and features related to script deployment. 

Datto RMM: 

  1. Login to Datto RMM Dashboard: Navigate to the Datto RRM dashboard and log into your account. 
  2. Create a New Script: Go to the “Scripting” section and create a new script. 
  3. Copy and Paste the PowerShell Script: Copy the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script and paste it into the script editor in Datto RMM.  
  4. Configure Script Parameters: If your script requires parameters, configure them within Datto RMM.  
  5. Define Execution Triggers: Set up the triggers for script execution, such as on-demand or scheduled tasks. 
  6. Save and Deploy: Save the script and deploy it to the target Windows Server machines. 


  1. Access NinjaOne Dashboard: Log into your NinjaOne dashboard. 
  2. Navigate to Scripts: Go to the "Scripts" or "Automation" section. 
  3. Create a New Script: Create a new script and specify PowerShell as the script type. 
  4. Copy and Paste the PowerShell Script: Copy the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script and paste it into the script editor provided by NinjaOne. 
  5. Configure Script Settings: Configure script settings such as execution context, parameters, and target devices. 
  6. Schedule or Deploy Script: Schedule the script for execution or deploy it to the target Windows Server machines. 

N-able (formerly SolarWinds RMM): 

  1. Access N-able Dashboard: Log in to your N-able dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Automation Manager: Go to the "Automation Manager" section.
  3. Create a New Script: Create a new script and select PowerShell as the script type.
  4. Copy and Paste the PowerShell Script: Copy the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script and paste it into the script editor provided by N-able. 
  5. Configure Script Execution: Configure script execution settings, such as script timeout and deployment targets.
  6. Deploy the Script: Deploy the script to the desired Windows Server machines. 


  1. Access Atera Dashboard: Log in to your Atera dashboard. 
  2. Navigate to Automation: Go to the "Automation" or "Scripts" section. 
  3. Create a New Script: Create a new script and specify PowerShell as the script type. 
  4. Copy and Paste the PowerShell Script: Copy the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script and paste it into the script editor provided by Atera. 
  5. Configure Script Parameters: Configure any script parameters required for execution. 
  6. Assign the Script: Assign the script to the appropriate device group or individual machines. 


  1. Access Pulseway Dashboard: Log in to your Pulseway dashboard. 
  2. Navigate to Scripts: Go to the "Scripts" section. 
  3. Create a New Script: Create a new script and specify PowerShell as the script type. 
  4. Copy and Paste the PowerShell Script: Copy the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script and paste it into the script editor provided by Pulseway. 
  5. Configure Script Deployment: Configure script deployment settings, such as execution context and target devices. 
  6. Deploy the Script: Deploy the script to the desired Windows Server machines. 


  1. Access Kaseya Dashboard: Log in to your Kaseya dashboard. 
  2. Navigate to Scripts: Go to the "Scripts" or "Automation" section. 
  3. Create a New Script: Create a new script and specify PowerShell as the script type. 
  4. Copy and Paste the PowerShell Script: Copy the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script and paste it into the script editor provided by Kaseya. 
  5. Configure Script Parameters: Configure any script parameters required for execution. 
  6. Assign the Script: Assign the script to the appropriate device group or individual machines. 


  1. Access SynchroMSP Dashboard: Log in to your SynchroMSP dashboard. 
  2. Navigate to Scripts: Go to the "Scripts" or "Automation" section. 
  3. Create a New Script: Create a new script and specify PowerShell as the script type. 
  4. Copy and Paste the PowerShell Script: Copy the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script and paste it into the script editor provided by SynchroMSP. 
  5. Configure Script Parameters: Configure any script parameters required for execution. 
  6. Assign the Script: Assign the script to the appropriate device group or individual machines. 

Microsoft InTune: 

  1. Access Microsoft Endpoint Manager: Log into the Microsoft Endpoint Manager portal. 
  2. Create PowerShell Script: In the “Endpoint Security” section, create a new PowerShell script. 
  3. Copy and Paste the PowerShell Script: Copy the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script and paste it into the script editor.  
  4. Configure Deployment Settings: Configure deployment settings, such as script execution context and assignment to target devices. 
  5. Assign the Script: Assign the script to the appropriate device group or individual machines. 
  6. Monitor Deployment Status: Monitor the deployment status in the Endpoint Manager portal. 

ManageEngine Endpoint Central: 

  1. Access Endpoint Central Dashboard: Log into the ManageEngine Endpoint Central dashboard. 
  2. Navigate to Scripts: Go to the “Scripts” section and create a new script. 
  3. Copy and Paste the PowerShell Script: Copy the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script and paste it into the script editor in Endpoint Central.  
  4. Configure Script Execution: Configure script execution settings, such as script timeout and deployment targets.  
  5. Deploy the Script: Deploy the script to the desired Windows Server machines. 

Citrix Endpoint Management: 

  1. Access Citrix Endpoint Management Console: Log into the Citrix Endpoint Management console. 
  2. Navigate to PowerShell Scripts: Go to the “Policies” section and create a new PowerShell script policy. 
  3. Add the PowerShell Script: Add the Bocada Cloud Data Collection Agent PowerShell Script to the policy uploading the script file.  
  4. Configure Deployment Settings: Configure deployment settings, such as execution context and target devices.  
  5. Assign the Policy: Assign the policy to the appropriate device group or individual machines. 
  6. Monitor Deployment: Monitor the deployment status in the Citrix Endpoint Management Console.