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  2. Connectors & Backup Applications

How do I configure an API authentication key in an N2WS instance?

Configuring an API authentication key requires two primary steps:

  1. Create a "Delegated User" while logged in as root
  2. Configure the API authentication key while logged in as the delegated user

Once you have completed these steps, you will need to an AWS Access Key ID and Secret for an AWS IAM User with the same permissions as the N2WS Instance.

Create a Delegated User

A delegated user must be created by the root account. If a delegated user with the proper access has already been configured you can skip to API authentication ley creation.

While logged in as root, click on the Users module:

Click on delegates to create a new delegate:

Update delegate settings with the following permissions:

Once you have the delegate crated you will log out of root account and log in as the delegate you just created.

Create API Authentication Key

While logged in as the delegate user, click configure API authentication keyfrom the bottom of the page:

If API Authentication has already been enabled and a key is present you can copy the Authentication Key. Otherwise, enable API access and copy the resulting Authentication Key: