What does the Inventory Summary widget on my dashboard mean?

Identifying Protected and Unprotected Resources

The Inventory Summary widget on the Main Dashboard helps you understand how many resources were discovered across the environments connected to Bocada Cloud that were protected by backup jobs.

If you connect to resources being backed up by AWS, Azure or Google Cloud, you will be able to see both Protected AND Unprotected resources (those not being backed up) which is an enhanced feature being offered at no additional cost at this time.

If you don't use AWS, Azure or Google Cloud, then you will only see the number of Protected Resources being monitored and reported on in Bocada Cloud.  

Detailed information about the resources in your Inventory are available in the View Resources report (Reports > Standard Reports > View Resources) which features four tabs:

1 - All protected resources - resources that had a backup job executed during the specified date range (defaults to last 31 days)

2 - All unprotected resources (only for connections to AWS, Azure or Google Cloud) - resources that did not have a backup job executed during the specified date range (defaults to last 31 days). This list also gives you the ability to select one or more unprotected resources to "ignore" and move to the Ignored Resources list.

3 - All ignored resources - resources that you chose to hide from the unprotected list.

4 - All resources - protected, unprotected and ignored.  

The Bocada Cloud team will be adding connections to additional inventory solutions to provide greater access to this information. 

Do you have a particular inventory application you'd like us to add support for next (e.g. vCenter, CMDB, etc.)? Let us know