How do I integrate Bocada Cloud with HaloPSA for ticketing?

Automatically generate tickets in HaloPSA when a backup job or data collection fails

Bocada Cloud has integrated with HaloPSA (SaaS version) using their published REST API to automatically generate a ticket when a backup job and/or data collection monitored by Bocada Cloud fails.

To configure the integration to HaloPSA, follow the steps below.

1. Add a Ticketing Integration to HaloPSA in Bocada Cloud

  • In the Bocada Cloud left navigation menu, select Administration > Ticketing Integrations > +Add
  • Click the HaloPSA tile
  • Display Name field: enter a name for the connection to HaloPSA which will be displayed in Bocada Cloud. You can name it whatever you like; we recommend it references the “friendly name” you use to refer to the HaloPSA instance.
  • Base URL field: enter the URL of your HaloPSA instance. For example, an organization called "Acme" would have a base URL of:
  • Agent Email field: enter the email address of the user that will be the "author" of the ticket created by Bocada Cloud and sent to HaloPSA. This must be a valid email address of a HaloPSA user. We recommend that it's the same individual you will select as the Agent to login as in step #12 below when creating the new API application. 

2. Log into your HaloPSA instance
You will need to log into HaloPSA to create a Client ID & Client Secret which are required for the integration to work. 

    1. Click Configuration on HaloPSA's left navigation menu.
    2. Enter API into the search field at the top of the page.
    3. Click the HaloPSA API button.
    4. Click the View Applications button.
    5. Click the New button in the top right corner of the screen to create a new application to connect to Bocada Cloud.
    6. On the Add an Application page, you will be on the Details tab.
    7. Enter an Application Name, such as Bocada Cloud.
    8. The Active checkbox should be checked.
    9. Under Authentication method, select the Client ID and Secret (Services) radio button
    10. You will see a Client ID displayed – copy and paste this into the Client ID field in Bocada Cloud. 
    11. You will see a Client Secret displayed – copy and paste this into the Client Secret field in Bocada Cloud. Do not click the Save button before you paste the Client Secret into Bocada Cloud as it will disappear from the screen after its saved.
    12. You will see a Login Type field - ensure that Agent is selected (default)
    13. In the Agent to log in as field, select a user that has permission to view and create tickets.
    14. Now, click the Permissions tab at the top of the screen. Check the following two checkboxes: read:tickets and edit:tickets

        o.   Scroll down and click the Save button. 

3. Verify Connection
In Bocada Cloud, after completing all fields on the ticketing integration page, click the Verify connection and create a sample ticket button to verify that the communication is working between Bocada Cloud and HaloPSA. If successful, you will see a confirmation message and test ticket number. Look in HaloPSA to verify the ticket has been created.

If you receive an error message after trying to verify the connection, review the data you entered to make sure it is correct. If you are still experiencing issues, create a support ticket in Bocada Cloud to get additional help. 

4. Set up and Save a Ticket Trigger
After you verified that the connection between Bocada Cloud and HaloPSA is working, create a trigger to automatically generate an incident when a backup job or data collection fails. 

  • Click the Set up a Ticket Trigger button on the confirmation page after configuring the integration with HaloPSA. Or, on the left navigation menu, select Administration > Ticketing Integrations > List and click the Add Ticket Trigger icon for the HaloPSA integration you just set up (see screen shot below). 

  • Trigger Name - create a name for this ticket trigger which will display in Bocada Cloud associated with the connection to your HaloPSA instance. You can create multiple triggers for the same HaloPSA connection; therefore, enter a name that will describe the type of trigger you are setting up (e.g. Backup job failure tickets). 
  • Parameters: Organizations - select the Organization(s) this ticket trigger will be set up for which identifies the list of connections to backup applications to choose from.
    • Note: If you'd like to have a ticket created when there is a failure of a backup job or data collection for any Connection in any Organization, leave the Organization field blank.
  • Parameters: Connections - choose whether the ticket trigger will apply to all or only specific connections to your backup applications.
  • Trigger: Type - select whether this ticket trigger will be generated based on a Data Collection Failure or a Backup Job failure.
    • Note: you can set up multiple ticket triggers for a single connection to HaloPSA. Once you create a trigger for one type of failure, you can add another trigger for a different type of failure. 
  • Trigger: # - select how many consecutive attempts before the ticket is generated (e.g. a backup job fails 3 consecutive times and then a ticket is generated in HaloPSA). 
  • Status Fields Assignments - ticketing systems have static data fields that can be auto-populated with specific values through the API integration, such as auto-assigning tickets to a specific person by auto-populating a person's name in the "Assigned To" field. However, HaloPSA does not currently support this type of integration. When it is supported, Bocada Cloud will enable it as it does for the current integration with ServiceNow. 
  • Ticket Creation Failure Notification - optionally, you can choose to receive an email notification if the creation of a HaloPSA ticket fails. If you select this option, enter the email address(es) of the recipients of the notification. 
  • Save the trigger - click the Save button to save the ticket trigger. You will need to save it before you can create a test ticket. Once saved, the trigger will appear on the Administration > Ticketing Integrations > List page, under the HaloPSA connection. Click the down arrow to display the list of ticket triggers as in the screen shot below.
  • Create Test Ticket - once you have saved the ticket trigger, you can test it to make sure it's functioning correctly. Edit the trigger by clicking the pencil icon (as seen in the first screen shot below). Then click the Create Test Ticket button at the bottom of the panel to check that the integration and ticket creation process is successful (second screen shot below). 

If you have any issues or questions about integrating with HaloPSA, create a support ticket in Bocada Cloud or Contact Us